Friday, May 20, 2022

Quarter 4, Week 1 – Analytical Listening

It's our first week of the fourth quarter. I'm glad that we started our quarter with an interesting topic which is Analytical Listening. In analytical listening, we have 4 types which are Appreciative listening, Emphatic listening, Comprehensive/Active listening, and our last type is Critical/Analytical listening. Appreciative listening means we're listening for joy and pleasure, like listening to your favorite music. Lending an ear or listening to our friends' problems is referred to emphatic listening; we listen so that we can provide emotional support for the speaker. Comprehensive listening is when we listen to understand the message of the speaker, for example, listening to your teacher to understand your topic and the last is Critical or Analytical listening, Critical or Analytical listening is listening to evaluate a message for purposes of accepting and rejecting it. I really focused on our meeting and lesson that day because it was interesting and easy to understand but I'm quite upset while we were having a recitation because my computer keeps lagging at that time so I can't tap the raised hand and lose extra points. We end our meeting with a prayer and saying goodbye or thank you to our teacher because he teaches us and there are no quizzes posted for week 1 yet except in the weekly blog.

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