Saturday, June 11, 2022

Quarter 4, Week 5- Making Predictions


Making Predictions is the topic for week 5. What exactly is prediction? Prediction refers to making guesses about what will happen next in a text, story, circumstance, or weather. We must evaluate things or questions that will support our guesses when making predictions. First, consider what has already occurred. What is likely to happen next, based on the author's clue, evidence in the text, and your experience? Make sure you can make meaningful and logical predictions when you mix situations a and b. Predictions might be correct or incorrect. Predicting the weather is an example. Your weather predictions may be true or incorrect because an overcast day does not always imply rain. 

Spelling for week 5: 

Figure of Speech/Literary Devices: (credits to our teacher)

Anglo-American Writer Literature Icons: 
(credits to our teacher)

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